Transition to online only publication model

Dear Readers and Contributors,

We want to inform you of an important change regarding the future publication format of our journal.

Starting from 2025, we will transition to an online-only publication model. This decision has been made primarily due to the high costs associated with producing and distributing the print version of our journal. As a small, diamond open access journal, our commitment is to provide free and unrestricted access to scholarly content. Moving to an online-only format will enable us to sustain this goal more effectively.

What this means for subscribers: We will not be processing any subscription requests from 2025 onwards.

What this means for authors: You will not be receiving a printed copy. The permanency of your work is ensured by depositing a version of record in the PKP Preservation Network and it the Digital Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences

What this means for readers: The content will remain freely and openly accessible on our website.

We thank you for your understanding and continued support as we make this important transition. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Editors of Teorie vědy / Theory of Science